Books worth searching for

The Meaning of Ice: People and sea ice in three Arctic Communities by Gearheard, Oshima et al

The Culture of Greenland in Glimpses by Ole G Jensen

Eriagisaq by Katsi Kleist-Eriksen

Greenland Unseen by Carsten Egevang

Ultima Thule - Explorers and Natives in the Polar North by Jean Malaurie

Arctic Adventure by Peter Freuchen

The Last Days of the Arctic by Ragnar Axelsson

Melting Away by Camille Seaman

Ultima Thule by Henrik Saxgren

The Arctic Year by Salmons and Freuchen

Peoples of the Polar North by Knud Rasmussen

Wandering Spirits: Loneliness and Longing in Greenland by Janne Flora PhD

Greenland Ice Sheet: 80 Years of Climate Change Seen by the Air by The Natural History Museum of Denmark / University of Copenhagen

This Cold Heaven - Seven Seasons in Greenland by Gretel Ehrlich

Kalaallit Ilisimasaat: Pisuussutsit Uumassusillit Nunattalu Pissarititai Nalillit
Local Knowledge: Living Resources and Natural Assets in Greenland
by H.C Petersen

Taqqat uummammut aqqutaannut takorluukkat apuuffiannut
The Veins of the Heart to the Pinnacle of the Mind
by Aqqaluk Lynge

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